19 June 2011

Father's Day

There are times when you forget that you are fortunate. That's happened a good bit of late, but one thing I am fortunate in is my father. Fred is just the best. He's older now and without my mom, but he's resilient. He's happy, learning new hobbies, hanging out with the dog, and likely watching too much TV, but it's great fun to talk to him. He's had and unremarkable, but yet still interesting life. He always told us we could be anything we wanted to be - even though, heaven forbid, we were girls. He taught me how to pour concrete, change brake pads and oil, how to shoot and never failed to threaten any of my high school boyfriends. That's just Fred. I've very fortunate indeed.

18 June 2011


I love you Bering
Oh, yes I do. 
I don't love anyone as much as you.
When you're not with me, I'm blue. 
Oh, Bering, I love you. 

01 June 2011

Well ...

It's been a little over a week and I still miss my friend. I miss his woo woo when I came home and his play bow and his sphinx pose and the way he liked ice cubes. I think the MotH may be right. No more dogs. It's just too hard. Now, I'm going to stop dwelling on this and write about something else for a little while. Until missing Bering doesn't hurt as much.